Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Demonizing Concepts 101

The difference between Demonizing and standard photo bombing is the consistent facial expression while Demonizing  Although there are a few different varieties of the expression, overall Demonizing is relatively consistent and easy to do. It can be done to anybody at any time somebody is capturing a precious moment with a camera. 

Figure 1.1 Pont from Mont Pont Time Shows Traits of Great Demonizing.

As you can see, eyebrows go into a frowning motion, Hands tend to raise above the head of the victim. The lower jaw is strategically placed out in front of the rest of the mouth, giving an under-bite affect. 

Gutsy Demonizing photos are considered rare and valuable. 
This may include the demonization of Police Officers, Government Officials or Famous figures in the media. 
Please see below for how the act of Demonizing should not be done. 

Figure 1.2 Pont from Mont Pont Time shows negative traits of demonizing

As you can see here Pont shows bad signs of demonizing, athough his hands are raised and has the facial traits, his victim is looking directly at him and probably wondering "Why is this man doing this to me?"

As mentioned earlier, this is not the only way to effectively demonize. One can use their imagination when it comes to the dis figuration of the face. Although Pont has been busted in the act. The number 1 rule of Demonizing is that you must go through with the photo that you once intended to demonize, no matter what it takes, or what they say to you. 

Feel free to enter in your Demonizing photos to montponttime@hotmail.com

If you dare. 

of Mont Pont Time

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